Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Love, Power, and Romeo and Juliet Essay

The play Romeo and Juliet is a classic tale of friendship, love, betrayal, comedy, tragedy, and death. I t was written by William Shakespeare in and is considered one of his greatest tragedies. It has many different renditions and has been translated into many different languages. In the play â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† two young ambitious lovers put themselves in situations that would inevitably lead to their deaths. Was Romeo to blame or perhaps Juliet? Maybe the blame can be put on true love that would lead them to do certain things that were forbidden during those times. In the relationship between Romeo and Juliet many questions are formed within my mind such as who had more power in the relationship between Romeo and Juliet, was it Romeo, was it Juliet, or was it the Love between them. Perhaps gender played a role in who had more power in the relationship. In this paper I intend on exploring the answers to these questions that are lingering in my mind. Throughout the play Juliet increasingly showed her power over Romeo, even though in those days, it was customary for men to show their power and dominance over women, this was not the case in this play. This could have been because William Shakespeare was married and had daughters. The first instance that Juliet shows her indirect power over Romeo was the very moment Romeo laid his eyes upon her. In scene one, act five Romeo says to a servingman, â€Å"What ladies that which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight†, â€Å"Oh she doth teach the torch to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the check of night as a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear beauty too rich for us, for earth to dear! † This show power because earlier that day Romeo was mopping around crying about another young lady named Rosaline. When he saw Juliet he completely forgot who Rosaline even was and went out of his way to talk to Juliet even though she was part of the family that his family was in a feud with. Power was also exhibited by Juliet because Romeo was so infatuated with her that he stood outside her window and talked about her like she was the sun in the sky herself even though he could have been killed for it. Another exhibit of power was when Marcutio and Tybalt fought and the end result was Marcutio being killed by Tybalt and Romeo killing Tybalt and then being banished from Verona by the king. All his happened because of the love between Romeo and Juliet. Another instance of Juliet’s power was when she unintentionally got the Prince and Romeo to fight to the death over her, even though she was not really dead. The result of this battle, ended in the Prince’s death. The next instance of Juliet’s power was at the end of the play when Romeo was so incredibly distraught over his lov ers’ alleged demise that he purchased a vial of poison brewed by an apothecary to kill himself. After Romeo Kills Paris he lies down next to his beautiful Juliet and consumes the vial of poison so he can be with his lover once again. In the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo also exhibits power. In the balcony scene between the two star- crossed lovers when the famous Romeo, Romeo where forth art thou Romeo speech Romeo tells Juliet that he wants to be with him. They both know that their love is forbidden, but Romeo convinces Juliet that they should run away out of Verona to get married and make beautiful love children. This shows power because they could have been banished or even killed because they could have caused the families to go to war and the kind already declared if they fought again they could been punished with death. Romeo also show his power when in the end of the play Romeo see Juliet dead and drink the poison to kill himself, Juliet awakes to see her lover dead his power over her was so strong that she tried to kiss his lips in hopes of getting the poison into her system so she could be with her lover. When they plan failed she took Romeo’s dagger and plunged it into her own heart killing herself instantly. If that is power over someone I don’t know what is. The last Object that could have been seen as having power over the relationship between Romeo and Juliet was the Friar. He was somewhat of a corky guy who brewed up remedies and was a good friend of Romeo and Juliet. He tried his best throughout the play to get the two lovers together and we all know how that turned out. The first instance of the friar showing his power over Romeo and Juliet’s relationship was when the two came to him for advice he came up with a plan to get the both out of the city and marry the two. Juliet was supposed to take a potion that the friar had concocted which was to make her seem if she had died but she would merely be a sleep. The family would bury her and she would wake up several hours later and meet up with her lover. He writes to Romeo to let him know what the plan is but the letter never makes it to Romeo so he doesn’t know Juliet isn’t really dead. Then all the bad stuff happens and everyone dies. So yes the friar did have some sort of power over the relationship between Romeo and Juliet but it wasn’t good power at all. In conclusion Love will make you do some stupid things. Love is very powerful whether experienced by a man or woman, it can make you do some strange things. The story was a good one and Power over people can definitely be a bad thing, as you can see in Romeo and Juliet.

Aristotle’s theory of the Tragic Hero Essay

â€Å"A man doesn’t become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall† Tragic hero’s who fit under Aristotle’s depiction are known as ‘Aristotelian Tragic Hero’s’ and possess five specific characteristics; 1) A flaw or error of judgment (also known as ‘hamartia’ which is a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine) 2) A reversal of fortune due to the error of judgment (also known as ‘peripeteia’, which is a sudden reversal of fortune or change in circumstances) 3) The discovery or recognition that the reversal was brought about by the hero’s own actions (Referred to as ‘anagnorisis’, which is a moment in a play when a character makes a critical discovery) 4) Excessive pride (hubris) 5) The character’s fate must be greater than deserved’. In the beginning, the character must be seen as equal morally to normal people in order for the audience to identify with him/her. This identification allows the sentiment of ‘pity’ which is crucial in a tragic play. The Aristotelian tragic hero inevitably suffers a tragic death, having fallen from great heights and made an irreversible mistake. The hero must courageously accept their death with honour. Other common traits of the Aristotelian tragic hero: a) Hero must suffer more than he deserves b) Hero must be doomed from the start, but bears no responsibility for possessing his flaw. c) Hero must be noble in nature, but be imperfect so that the audience can see themselves in him. d) Hero must have discovered his fate by his own actions, not by things happening to him. e) Hero must understand his doom, as well as the fact that his fate was discovered by his own actions. f) Hero’s story should arouse fear and empathy. g) Hero must be physically or spiritually wounded by his experiences, usually resulting in his death. h) The hero must be intelligent so that he may learn from his mistakes. i) The hero must have a weakness, usually, it is pride. j) He must be faced with a very serious decision that he must face. Aristotle identifies tragedy as the most refined version of poetry dealing with lofty matters and comedy as the most refined version of poetry dealing with base matters. He traces a brief and speculative history of tragedy as it evolved from dithyrambic hymns in praise of the god Dionysus. Dithyrambs were sung by a large choir, sometimes featuring a narrator. Aeschylus invented tragedy by bringing a second actor into dialogue with the narrator. Sophocles innovated further by introducing a third actor, and gradually tragedy shifted to its contemporary dramatic form. Aristotle defines tragedy according to seven characteristics: (1) it is mimetic, (2) it is serious, (3) it tells a full story of an appropriate length, (4) it contains rhythm and harmony, (5) rhythm and harmony occur in different combinations in different parts of the tragedy, (6) it is performed rather than narrated, and (7) it arouses feelings of pity and fear and then purges these feelings through catharsis. A tragedy c onsists of six component parts, which are listed here in order from most important to least important: plot, character, thought, diction, melody, and spectacle. A well-formed plot must have a beginning, which is not a necessary consequence of any previous action; a middle, which follows logically from the beginning; and an end, which follows logically from the middle and from which no further action necessarily follows. The plot should be unified, meaning that every element of the plot should tie in to the rest of the plot, leaving no loose ends. This kind of unity allows tragedy to express universal themes powerfully, which makes it superior to history, which can only talk about particular events. Episodic plots are bad because there is no necessity to the sequence of events. The best kind of plot contains surprises, but surprises that, in retrospect, fit logically into the sequence of events. The best kinds of surprises are brought about by peripeteia, or reversal of fortune, and anagnorisis, or discovery. A good plot progresses like a knot that is tied up with increasingly greater complexity until the moment of peripeteia, at which point the knot is gradually untied until it reaches a completely unknotted conclusion. For a tragedy to arouse pity and fear, we must observe a hero who is relatively noble going from happiness to misery as a result of error on the part of the hero. Our pity and fear is aroused most when it is family members who harm one another rather than enemies or  strangers. In the best kind of plot, one character narrowly avoids killing a family member unwittingly thanks to an anagnorisis that reveals the family connection. The hero must have good qualities appropriate to his or her station and should be portrayed realistically and consistently. Since both the character of the hero and the plot must have logical consistency, Aristotle concludes that the untying of the plot must follow as a necessary consequence of the plot and not from stage artifice, like a deus ex machina (a machine used in some plays, in which an actor playing one of the gods was lowered onto the stage at the end). Aristotle discusses thought and diction and then moves on to address epic poetry. Whereas tragedy consists of actions presented in a dramatic form, epic poetry consists of verse presented in a narrative form. Tragedy and epic poetry have many common qualities, most notably the unity of plot and similar subject matter. However, epic poetry can be longer than tragedy, and because it is not performed, it can deal with more fantastic action with a much wider scope. By contrast, tragedy can be more focused and takes advantage of the devices of music and spectacle. Epic poetry and tragedy are also written in different meters. After defending poetry against charges that it deals with improbable or impossible events, Aristotle concludes by weighing tragedy against epic poetry and determining that tragedy is on the whole superior. Aristotle takes a scientific approach to poetry, which bears as many disadvantages as advantages. He studies poetry as he would a natural phenomenon, observing and analyzing first, and only afterward making tentative hypotheses and recommendation s. The scientific approach works best at identifying the objective, lawlike behavior that underlies the phenomena being observed. To this end, Aristotle draws some important general conclusions about the nature of poetry and how it achieves its effects. However, in assuming that there are objective laws underlying poetry, Aristotle fails to appreciate the ways in which art often progresses precisely by overturning the assumed laws of a previous generation. If every play were written in strict accordance with a given set of laws for a long enough time, a revolutionary playwright would be able to achieve powerful effects by consciously violating these laws. In point of fact, Euripides, the last of the three great tragic poets of Ancient Greece, wrote many plays that violated the logical and structured principles of  Aristotle’s Poetics in a conscious effort to depict a world that he saw as neither logical nor structured. Aristotle himself gives mixed reviews to Euripides’ troubling plays, but they are still performed two and a half millennia after they were written. Aristotle’s concept of mimesis helps him to explain what is distinctive about our experience of art. Poetry is mimetic, meaning that it invites us to imagine its subject matter as real while acknowledging that it is in fact fictional. When Aristotle contrasts poetry with philosophy, his point is not so much that poetry is mimetic because it portrays what is real while philosophy is nonmimetic because it portrays only ideas. Rather, the point is that the ideas discussed in philosophical texts are as real as any ideas ever are. When we see an actor playing Oedipus, this actor is clearly a substitute through which we can imagine what a real Oedipus might be like. When we read Aristotle’s ideas on art, we are in direct contact with the ideas, and there is nothing more real to imagine. Art presents reality at one level of remove, allowing us a certain detachment. We do not call the police when we see Hamlet kill Polonius because we know that we are not seeing a real event but only two actors imitating real-world possibilities. Because we are conscious of the mimesis involved in art, we are detached enough that we can reflect on what we are experiencing and so learn from it. Witnessing a murder in real life is emotionally scarring. Witnessing a murder on stage gives us a chance to reflect on the nature and causes of human violence so that we can lead a more reflective and sensitive life. Aristotle identifies catharsis as the distinctive experience of art, though it is not clear whether he means that catharsis is the purpose of art or simply an effect. The Greek word katharsis originally means purging or purification and refers also to the induction of vomiting by a doctor to rid the body of impurities. Aristotle uses the term metaphorically to refer to the release of the emotions of pity and fear built up in a dramatic performance. Because dramatic performances end, whereas life goes on, we can let go of the tension that builds during a dramatic performance in a way that we often cannot let go of the tension that builds up over the course of our lives. Because we can let go of it, the emotional intensity of art deepens us, whereas emotional intensity in life often just hardens us. However, if this process of catharsis that allows us to experience powerful emotions and then  let them go is the ultimate purpose of art, then art becomes the equivalent of therapy. If we define catharsis as the purpose of art, we have failed to define art in a way that explains why it is still necessary in an era of psychiatry. A more generous reading of Aristotle might interpret catharsis as a means to a less easily defined end, which involves a deeper capacity for feeling and compassion, a deeper awareness of what our humanity consists in. Aristotle insists on the primacy of plot because the plot is ultimately what we can learn from in a piece of art. The word we translate as â€Å"plot† is the Greek wordmuthos, which is the root for myth. Muthos is a more general term than plot, as it can apply to any art form, including music or sculpture. The muthos of a piece of art is its general structure and organization, the form according to which the themes and ideas in the piece of art make themselves apparent. The plot of a story, as the term is used in the Poetics, is not the sequence of events so much as the logical relationships that exist between events. For Aristotle, the tighter the logical relationships between events, the better the plot. Oedipus Rex is a powerful tragedy precisely because we can see the logical inevitability with which the events in the story fall together. The logical relationships between events in a story help us to perceive logical relationships between the events in our own lives. In essence, tragedy shows us patterns in human experience that we can then use to make sense of our own experience.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Does My Interpersonal Communication Shield Impact My Everyday Communication Skills Essay

Being able to participate and take part in this project was very interesting. It gave me a chance to look at how others view me, how I view myself, and what influences me to be the person that I am. I’ve always been a nice and hardworking person. I love to help people, and I try to stay very positive even when situations present themselves to seem impossible. My family and friends along with my boyfriend all help influence the attitude that I have towards life. I’m a very open person in social situations, but I can also be very guarded about my personal life. I’ve always had a pretty decent self-esteem. I try not to allow others the satisfaction of forcing me to come out of my comfort zone and ruin my self-esteem. I try to stay out of situations that may make me feel bad about myself. I believe that my interpersonal communication shield impacts my everyday communication skills. From the nurturing people that surround me on a daily basis to influence me to stay positive and always be myself, to my defense against destructive cultural beliefs that help me stay encouraged to always be positive. I am most definitely impacted by my shield. There are also many things that I don’t know about myself, such as particular body language. I do many things that I don’t notice but someone else may notice subconsciously. This is in my hidden self these could be negative or positive. But I do know that they are reflections of how I really feel at times. In my private life I can be like a wall, I’m extremely guarded about my feelings and my business. I can easily self-disclose to my family and close friends as well as my boyfriend, although it is a lot harder for me to self-disclose with strangers and distant friends and associates. I can be a loner at times but I use my self- affirming statements to stay positive and keep my head up when I can’t rely on others to influence my attitude. They have always been a good resource when I feel by myself and need some positivity.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Museum of Islamic Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Museum of Islamic Art - Essay Example The Museum of Islamic Art, Doha Islamic art and culture goes back 1,400 years ago to the years of the Prophet through to the eras of the Caliphs and Ottoman Empire. Qatar has been known for the oil boom which led to massive and large scale construction works in the country in the past three decades. Many landmark buildings have been built within this period in strategic locations to maintain the unique features of the region. The Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) is located on the south end of the Doha bay and it is a major building located on the edge of the Doha harbor and it has unique and distinct features that makes it a might build that depicts Islamic arts in architecture, usage and construction. Project Initiation and Location The Museum for Islamic Art was designed by the architect, Ioeh Ming Pei who blended Islamic tradition and monumental modernism to create the structure (Ourousoff 31). The project was commenced in 2004 when the Qatari government announced the desire to build a major structure that will reflect Qatar's bid to become the cultural center of the Arab world (Skinner 1). Actual work and construction activities commenced in 2005 and this ultimately led to the completion of the project in 2006. The project reflected Qatar's quest to present itself as one of the most prosperous economies in the Islamic world with the highest gross domestic products per capita in the world (Skinner 1). This was reflected in the magnitude of the project and the resources committed to its completion. The location of the MIA in the city of Doha also makes it an extremely distinct work of engineering because it required a cross-functional role that involved marine engineers aside the normal construction site to ensure that the project remained within reasonable range. The project is located on a newly created Peninsular or man-made island that is protected by a seawall just off the harbor of Doha in the south of the city (Ourousoff 33). The project is meant to blend a set of different elements and present the Qatari nation and the Islamic world on an exceptional pedestal. First of all, the building involved an architecture that reflected elements of Medieval Arabic architecture that incorporated elements of palaces amongst great Arab leaders. Secondly, the building involved important and carefully calibrated to provide exhibitions for various categories of Islamic history and culture. This include the arrangement of exhibition spaces, galleries, library and an auditorium. The venue is meant to exhibit elements of various stages in Islamic history and will display works of art, numismatics, manuscripts and weapons. Socio-Cultural Elements of Qatar & the Islamic World it Depicts The Museum of Islamic Art was a project that was initiated under the auspices of Qatar's hereditary Al-Thani dynasty as an attempt to enhance Qatar's cultural status. To this end, the MIA was meant to bring together the relics, audience and artists to develop the cultural systems and structures of the country for the future (Hudson para 6). Upon deciding to build the museum, the Qatari Museum Authority, headed by Sheikha Mayassa al-Thani called upon the then 86-year old IM Pei to draw the blueprints and architectural plan for the museum (Hudson para 2). The Chinese-American IM Pei was called for retirement to assist in drawing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Information and communication technology in society Essay

Information and communication technology in society - Essay Example de worse by the time limit which makes it difficult for the young people to afford surfing for a longer time than their money would facilitate (Looker et al 2009 p 44). As such, they search for information quickly so as to save internet expenses thus leaving no space to evaluate the information they find. This leads to poor translation which results to cases of plagiarism especially in higher institutions of learning. While searching for information on the internet using the search engines, it is always useful to use key words that would display specific information required. Research shows that young people are poor in this as they most of the time use long sentences that makes the searching process tedious and inaccurate (Luyt 2008). As such, they waste a lot of time before they could find information due to trial and errors. According to research, young people tend not realize that internet is not just the search engines such as Google, but a collection of many providers. This is due to the fact that they concentrate much of their information seeking on these search engines instead of widening their scope (Dresang 2006 p 25). As such, they get limited knowledge on the constituents of the internet, which could provide more valuable and effective information or which could help them quantify their ability to use the internet. Digital divide is the gap that exists within the society due to the fact that not all persons have been able to acquire the skills to use internet technology (Rooksby 2008 p 181). This results from the difference in income generation between various individuals whereby some have the capability to acquire the necessary equipment which facilitates connectivity. According to research, almost 50% of adults in America alone do not have access to internet technology, a situation that is attributed to financial constraints (Warschauer 2004 p 115). It also shows that those with internet connection have a high chance of getting a job than those

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Healthy Fast Food Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Healthy Fast Food - Research Paper Example Though the fast foods can be associated and blamed to the food industry, home made fast foods can be a good substitute, but if similarly uncontrolled, risk of feeding on unhealthy foods still remains. For a healthy fast food, the ingredients used need to be controlled substantially; the consumers should also plan on consuming healthily, by ensuring they eat correct portions of balanced diet in the fast foods as a healthy behavior. People should not be controlled by the flavors, sweetness or preference, but rather by making correct choices for their healthy diets. Keywords: Health, Fast Food, Junk Food, Sugar, Salt, Trans Fat, Saturated Fats, Balanced Diet, Chemicals, Additives, Ingredients, Diseases Introduction The norm of the modern society has been accessing fast foods to save time in their activities. Students and employees prefer to have meals that can be prepared and served quickly, without even paying attention to how it was prepared, the ratio, and ingredients used in the rea dy product. On top of the preparation criterion, these fast foods target a wide range of people and seem to be located in accessible places, near schools, companies, busy streets and town centers, where the population is relatively large to promote the fast food business. As a result, the fast food restaurants acquire high proportion of their product consumptions, where the customers’ preference even dictates how, what, and intensity of the products they prepare. Eating fast food once in a while is not a problem, but why the society or families cannot take time to prepare their own healthy meals is not an excuse to have reckless habits of consuming fast food. There are lots of healthy effects on high consumption of fast foods, especially problems that affect the physical health of the consumers. Although the manufactures and preparing restaurants have of recent been aware of consumer group movements, against their sales of unhealthy food, much lies with the consumers to ensur e what they consume is nutritious and healthy. Unhealthy drinks and food should be avoided for their safety. Safe Ingredients Chemicals: Most of the available fast foods on the market are prepared with additional chemicals that are dangerous to consumers’ health. The past generations could afford to make fast food without chemical additives and lead a healthy, satisfied life. Unlike the past society, the chemicals used today in the fast foods were not available and though the technology was not advanced as it is today, the meals were tasty and healthy. There are lots of foods in the fast food industry that are prepared using chemicals to make the food appealing, add flavor and even preserve them, attracting the people to buy the foods. As a result, people end up consuming processed fast foods containing lots of toxins and chemicals, such as (Monosodium glutamate (MSG), Aspertame, 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PHIP), sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, sweete ning and coloring chemicals whose accumulation in the body have a negative effect if not flushed out (Strauss, 2012). Just because the food is appealing does not make it healthy, and given the opportunity, the society and the fast food industry should avoid preparing their food on their menus with such chemicals. Fast foods can be made healthier and appealing even without using

Friday, July 26, 2019

Response To Memo From K. Abbott-Gill, The Cfo Of Antipodes Mineral Case Study

Response To Memo From K. Abbott-Gill, The Cfo Of Antipodes Mineral Resources Company - Case Study Example The core business in a mineral company is; mining and therefore most investments in such entities revolve around this central activity. The following are the areas I would expect AMR to make their investments: †¢ Prospecting and exploration of minerals: The process of pinpointing deposits is costly and time consuming. A mineral company must therefore, invest in the process of geological mapping to stay in business by securing the supply end of its operations. The amount of drilling and excavation involved in mining is determined at the exploration stage and therefore, this preliminary phase of the mining process determines the financial allocation required to purchase the right tools for the jobs that include among others, drilling and transportation equipment. †¢ Equipment: After locating the mineral deposits in the exploration stage, a mining company like AMR in this case, must invest in the acquisition of the correct equipment. The success of a mining process is entirely dependent on the available excavation, drilling and transportation machinery. AMR must therefore commit to continuously acquiring proper tools, something that is always a work in progress project for companies in this industry since new, more efficient equipment are manufactured everyday. †¢ Acquisition of mines: After the completion of exploration process, mining companies must make ownership of such mining locations their projects. This can be done through partnerships with both governments and local communities in the mineral rich locations. It is my expectation that a mining company should make significant investments in acquiring mines to ensure sustainability of their respective material supply chains. Value addition on minerals: Most minerals fetch better prices if value is added onto them through diverse industrial processes. I would therefore expect a mining company to make investments in value additions for their minerals that involves construction of value addition plants. Transportation network infrastructure: The process of transportation from mining field to value addition plants for a mineral company is crucial to its success. How fast and efficiently they can excavate, transport and process ores determines the consistency of mineral supplies to th eir customers both in their localities and the world over. A mining company must therefore invest in transportation system that include ; construction of shorter routes to their plans to reduce fuel costs, acquire large capacity transport equipment, construct railway lines as well as properly maintain their roads (Bomsel, 1990). This investment ensures that such a company is not only efficient in its operations but is also profitable through transportation cost reduction. Acquisition of mining licenses: the process of securing a mining license, in as much as it may not be tangible is a crucial project in the workings of a mining company. Securing these licenses require serious negotiations and involve the hiring of attorney services. A mining company must therefore invest in the best lawyers and trade negotiators to handle this aspect of their operations. Trainings of staff: Employees are expected to hold particular skill sets at the time of employment. To ensure efficiency in actua l company operations, AMR must invest in additional training of staff so that they acquire skills specific to the company’s activities. Employees are the most valuable assets outside the balance sheet and their training therefore, is directly proportional to an organization’s operational efficiencies and profitability. Training is one project I expect to see the company invest its resources. Green energy: Energy consumption in the mining process is a major cost element and coming up with cheaper more environmentally sustainable energy sources is one area I would expect to see

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Oprah Winfrey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Oprah Winfrey - Research Paper Example One such celebrity and living example of success is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey, the victim of molestation, child abuse, and domestic violence was indeed committed to bringing out the excellence in her. The black woman, destined for greatness, achieved the heights of her career as an actress, talk show host, proprietor, philanthropist and a producer. Fighting hard with all the difficulties, Winfrey believed in doing the best at this moment which could put her in the best place for the next moment. The current study shall elaborate upon the achievements of self-titled, multi-award-winning talk show lady Oprah Winfrey during her career until now. Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey believes that the big secret in life is that there is no big secret. According to her, all the goals and targets can be attained once the individual is willing to make effort for it. One of the most prominent, successful and notable women in history, Oprah Winfrey, has been a charitable woman and a lady who has bee n struggling since her childhood. Certain values and teachings have guided her throughout the life; sometimes experiences taught her, and at others, she taught others to experiences. The Renaissance woman, Oprah Winfrey, has indeed revolutionized the female world through her determination and courage. Oprah Winfrey is an American media manager, an actress, a talk show host, and a producer and philanthropist. She is acknowledged globally for her multi-award-winning, self-titled, talk show which has gained the status of the top-ranked television program in the history and has also achieved her national syndication from the year 1986 to 2011. Winfrey has been awarded the rank of the richest African American and has been known as the supreme black philanthropist in the history of America. There also came a time in her life that Winfrey was the only black billionaire and the most influential woman of the world. Personal Life and Scandal In order to know the achievements of an individual, it is good to highlight the personal life and conditions of the brought up and living that the person went through. The early life of Winfrey actually started with a lot of scandals. Oprah Winfrey was the victim of child abuse and molestation at an early age, but still managed to stand out with all her innate talent and abilities. Winfrey was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, to an unmarried teenage mother. Spending the first six precious years of her childhood in rural poverty, Winfrey was often compelled to wear potato sacks as her dress. At an early life, her uncle, cousin, and a family friend physically abused Winfrey. Due to this inhumane incident in her life, the lady managed to run away from her home when soon after that at the age 14, she became pregnant. She gave birth to a son, who died shortly after delivery. All these hardships and tragedies made her feel betrayed by her family and relatives. The beginning of Winfrey’s life witnessed few horrible tragedies, which t he traditional and modern world would never favor of, and which would go below all the standards of humanity and personality. Starting from the age of 9 and continuing up to 13 years, Winfrey experienced a horrible series of child molestation by her family and relatives. This emotional devastation was added when she was forced by her grandmother to work and set an example of child abuse and was beaten up in case she made some mistakes (Garson, Helen, 2004). Thougha brief

Financial Planning Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10250 words

Financial Planning - Coursework Example I was able to base my financial plan on this. Also I learnt to incorporate various influential factors into my financial plan. On the overall, the chapter provides a framework for financial planning. The first chapter provides the method to derive the goal and the path to achieve the goal. This chapter provides the means of achieving such goal. In other words, it provides us with information on some of the basic tools required such as maintenance of financial records, computation of net worth, preparation of cash flow statement, using financial ratios, and understanding time value of money. The chapter lists out the benefits and various aspects of organizing the documents and records. The issues to be thought about are how long to save a document and how to save it. The purpose of safekeeping devices like safe deposit box or lock box should be understood before investing in one of them. The two financial statements important for an individual are Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. The Balance Sheet reveals the financial position of the individual and the Cash Flow Statement summarizes the cash inflows and outflows. Worksheets 1 and 7 provide the template for preparation of these two statements. Financial ratios such as the debt ratio and the savings ratio give a precise idea of your achievement. It informs you if your debts are well within the limits of the assets you own and the savings ratio keep your savings on track. Time Value of Money is essential to assess one's financial success. A common man thinks that he has earned well on his investment without considering when he is going to get the returns. Understanding the concept of time value of money becomes essential to know if the returns to be earned over a period of time are actually sufficient. Chapter 3: This chapter deals with identifying one's short term and long term financial goals, evaluating one's own abilities and interest in establishing a career plan, understanding and implementing a household budget, and monitoring and controlling expenses. The chapter first provides the precise steps required to establish a set of goals. It is important to list the goals on paper rather than just think about it. The step regarding breaking bigger goals into smaller goals was a good tip. While thinking in the long run, everything looks very vague, whereas in the short run, we are able to think precisely. In the short run, we will be able to execute our long term plan. Career planning, though not directly linked to financial planning, is the very source of the finance that we need to plan for. The chapter gives a detailed explanation on career planning. Through the chapter I was able to learn the real value of my career, which is the present value of it and not just what I am going to earn in the near future. There are also useful websites that give

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Secret shopper (mystery shopper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Secret shopper (mystery shopper) - Essay Example However, the purpose of this particular analysis will be compared to similar restaurants based upon the quality of the food that is offered and the quality of the services that were rendered during two distinct observed dining experiences. Further, the two experiences which will be detailed below are with respect to an experience that was had at a local Olive Garden and at a local Outback Steakhouse. Firstly, it must be stated that the actual pricing of the cuisine, whether for lunch or for dinner is more or less similar; with most dishes at both of these restaurants costing anywhere from $10-$18 per plate. However, even though the relative price differential is more or less the same, the similarities ultimately end there. The ambience of Outback Steakhouse is unique as compared to the ambulances several other restaurants that I had been to during my lifetime. Firstly, upon entering the steakhouse, the dining area is extraordinarily dimly lit; causing a situation in which an individual could likely stumble over any article on the floor that they might not otherwise see. Within the particular Outback Steakhouse that I went to, I was not greeted upon entering the front door. Instead, there was a rush of waiters and waitresses that brushed by me in a frantic struggle to serve the guests that had already been promised tables. Similarly, as I was waiting, I did not receive a nod or r ecognition that I would be seated anytime in the near future. Instead, it appeared to me that the wait staff was actively avoiding my glance. Eventually I was seated and there remainder of the dining experience proceeded as it should have. The take away that must be had from all of this is that the restaurant can only be measured based upon the two metrics that have thus far been stated. However, due to the fact that the dining experience that has been described fell flat on one of these, the likelihood of me

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Organisational Change Case Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Organisational Change Case Report - Essay Example However, the restructuring process resulted in loss of customer loyalty and negative publicity. In the current study, various models for organisational change have been studied and the best model for Qantas change management has been selected. This model has been used in various applications in order to facilitate better communication and increase motivation as well as employee engagement. The model is also helpful in determining the various strategies through which the business can be improved and made sustainable. Conclusions helped in wrapping up the entire report with important points. Recommendations have been given in terms of the failure of earlier strategies as well as future strategies, which can be an added advantage to the current change management process. Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Critical Evaluation of Diagnostic Models 3 2.1 Open system Model 3 2.2 Congruence Model 4 2.3 Burke-Litwin Model 5 2.4 Choice of Diagnostic Model for Qantas 6 3. Application of selected mod el to Qantas 6 3.1 Application in the formal organizational system 7 3.2 Application in informal organization 8 3.3 Application in Employee management 8 4. Conclusion 9 5. Recommendations 9 References 11 1. Introduction Qantas is an airline carrier in Australia. The airline carries 65 percent share of the domestic market of Australia and around 19 percent of international passengers travelling in and out of the nation. Sydney airport is the major hub (Qantas, 2013a). The company saw a huge decline in their profit margin in the year 2012 when profits went negative (Qantas, 2013b). As a result, the management decided to bring about huge restructuring in their organization as well as strategies. The airline carrier has been involved in organizational restructuring as a result of the increasing economic downturn and loss of revenue. The organization was in news because of its massive reduction in management staffs and employee layoffs as a fundamental review process (Paraskevas, 2006). Through this organizational change management process, the company hopes to cope up with the ongoing economic challenges and revive its organization from the present global financial downturn. The objective of this report is to analyze the change management process occurring in the organization. The study will involve use of various diagnostic tools for organizational change management and identify the tools best suitable for the organization. Literature review as well as organizational practice will be considered while reviewing and identifying recommendations and selecting appropriate methods. 2. Critical Evaluation of Diagnostic Models 2.1 Open system Model It is an organizational model which recognizes that an organization exists in the framework of a bigger environment which affects its performance and in turn also affects the way an organization interacts with the change. According to this model, firms operate within external environment, taking specific inputs and transformin g those using technical and social processes (Sullivan, 2004). The outputs are returned to this environment and used as feedback for firm’s functioning. Open system model can be described on the basis of its various properties described below; Environment: Open system environment involve people and organization exchanging resources and information with the environment.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sex education in school Essay Example for Free

Sex education in school Essay A big topic in todays society is whether or not a child should have sex education in school. Almost everyday you hear about how the numbers of teens having sex and the rates of teenage pregnancy is skyrocketing. Can this somehow be prevented by encouraging that sex education be included in the curriculum in school? Dont we send our children to school to learn and get an education? Than why should schools not educate our children about sex and help stress that abstinence is best? Sex education is not helping to promote that a child go out and engage in sexual activity, it merely educates them on the consequences of having sex and makes them aware of ways to protect themselves if they do choose to engage in sexual activity. It is important to educate our children on sex and how to protect themselves. Many parents agree that sex education should not be taught to children in school. Are these parents willing to take time out of their busy schedule to sit their children down and have a one on -one conversation with their child about sex? Do they themselves know all there is to know about sex and are up-to-date on STDs and contraceptives? A child may not feel comfortable talking to their parents about sex leading them to rush their parents through the conversation and not fully grasping the ideas on information their parents are trying to get across to them. If they were in school being taught, amongst friends, they would be forced to listen plus they might feel comfortable enough to ask questions pertaining to things they may not understand. Teachers went through college to get a degree in teaching; parents didnt unless they themselves are a teacher. Parents would be more likely to tell their children information that is not correct or is outdated. The point of sex education is not to promote kids to go out and engage in sexual activity, it is to promote abstinence and educate kids on STDs and how to protect themselves if they do decide to engage in sexual activity. If a child is going to have sex should they not be educated on the consequences of having sex and informed on how to protect themselves and their partner from such things as pregnancy and STDs? Should they not be told of the contraceptives that are out there specifically to protect them from certain  diseases that might someday lead to their death? If a child is going to engage in sexual activity we should at least take the liberty and help educate them so that they know what the consequences are and how to avoid certain problems. Its better to be safe then sorry, no parent wants to see their child suffer from a Std, get pregnant and possibly have to have an abortion, or contract a fatal disease such as Aids which in the end will lead to their death. Kids today are not as comfortable as they used to be about talking with their parents on such topics as sex or drugs. So where are they suppose to learn about these important topics? The streets? From friends? On T.V? Dont we send our children to school to learn and get an education? What better place, other than with their parents, is there to learn about such an important topic? Kids are going to be kids and go out there and experiment with things they know nothing about. It would be best if both the school system and parents teamed up to teach their kids about sex, but some kids are just not comfortable talking to their parents and may try to avoid the whole conversation completely. They may take what they learn from T.V or other friends about sex and apply it when they are engaged in sexual activity, which can lead to many outcomes that are not wanted. In a classroom atmosphere a child would be forced to learn about sex, abstinence, and ways to protect themselves. Most likely they would even be tested on the material, which would ensure that they know the material. Parents dont test kids on what they learned from their lectures. Kids are going to be kids, they are also our future and we need to educate them on the importance of abstaining from sex while also educating them how to be safe if they do choose to engage in sexual activity. Sex education is not promoting our kids to go out and have sex, its purpose is to inform and educate our children on the consequences of having sex while also making them aware that there are contraceptives out there to help protect them if they do choose to engage in sexual activity. Parents arent always the easiest or most update people to talk to about sex, at least in school atmosphere child would be forced to learn the information while also feeling more comfortable since they are around friends.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Is Morality Relative To Culture?

Is Morality Relative To Culture? Its has been charged that truth or justification of moral judgement is not relative to some group of persons, but absolute. After having defined both objectivism and cultural relativism views about morality well try to argue the relativity of moral by 3 different ways. First at all metaethical relativism tries to challenge the existence of objective fact, then thinks about what motivate people to act in order to see if motivations are relative or a priori and, last but not least emphasises the existence of moral disagreement s which cause an objection to objectivist theories. Cultural relativism is primarily based on empirical thesis that emphasises deep and widespread moral disagreement across different societies. This descriptive claim is not controversial but leads to metaethical thesis which can be contested. According to it, the truth-value of a claim is relative to the tradition, conviction or practice of a group (such as a society). There is no universal moral authority or normative force over (for ?) moral judgement but a relative one. Truth-values depend upon what people happen to be right or wrong within a particular ethical framework. Relativism has to face objectivism about the status of morality. The latter holds that moral judgement are truth or false in an absolute or universal sense. People are justified in accepting true moral judgement because they are based on objective facts. So moral judgement is an evidence to any reasonable and well informed person. The first issue raised between both theories is about the existence or not of objective fact. Harman disagree with the idea of objective morality which would rely on objective facts. Objective facts are indispensable in explaining what we observe, no putative moral facts are thus indispensable, therefore, there are not moral facts (Harman, 1997). If we tried to explain what we think or to judge an act as right or wrong its because we have moral thoughts. However moral thoughts are nothing else than socially inculcated view of the right and the wrong. In other words, we reflect about the worlds through our perception of it. Perception is not a neutral physical process but something determined by our upbringing (beliefs, concepts, expectation). Cultural relativists ensure that a persons culture strongly influenced her mode of perceptions. Culture shape human being. No man ever looks at the worlds with pristine eyes, he sees it edited by a definite set of custom and institution and ways of thinking (R.Benedict, 1934, pp. 2-3). Its not simply that our perception of thing is relat ive but facts themselves are relative to culture. Then polygamy is wrong may be justified in one culture but not another. Thus what is right or wrong depends on what moral standards of a culture warrant. Kantian ethic separates the agent from is social context, our perception of the world have nothing to do with cultural upbringing Indeed the world exists independently of how we know it. An agent cannot have any coherent experiences and knowledge without being aware of an objective world. We think the world in term of central concepts. Viewing the world objectively, I detached myself from my present concern, interests, goals Beliefs are not embedded in practice but framed in term of these concepts called categories, given a priori by our reason. Thoughts are regulated, not by culture but by the principle associated with these categories. The human being is a rationally free agent, independent of contingent and particular desire. Beliefs are determined by the speculative reason, and the same faculty frames what we have to do. Then, if you are not a rational agent, how could you know the right thing to do? Since morality seems to be viewed as a practical guide for action, conflicts between objectivism and cultural relativism leads us to explain what motivate people to act and in which way these motivations are relative to culture or not . Harman felt that we judge action right or wrong relative to a moral standard that we have agreed with others to accept. Moral judgement makes reference to an agreement. An agreement is reached when someone has reason to do something and this reason is shared by who Harman called the speaker and the audience. We need to look at how and why people act. If Y says that X ought to do something, that means that X has reason to do it, has motivation for doing so, and this reason is shared by Y (its what Harman called an inner judgement). Reasons have their source in desire, goals. To possess rationality is not enough, desires and goals are necessary to act. In other words, pure practical reason is not an explanation of why I intend to do something. Motivating reasons are not universals. People act to serve their ends and peoples ends differs from a person to another one. There is agreement if and only if a number of people have an intention on the assumption that others have the same intent ion (id). Then moral understanding is the result of a bargaining. People keep agreements because they provide us reasons to intend to do something: to do its own part of the agreement on the condition that others do their part. As we have seen above, culture shape human being in his way of thinking, that follows that desires, goals, needs that lead to agreement are influenced by culture. To conclude, moral agreements vary across different cultures. Thus Harman disagree with Kant for who what motivate people to act is never based on whats people desire or peoples ends. People act in order to realize the summum bonum, which is the object of our will. (summum bonum understood as the highest freedom and happiness) To promote it we need the accordance of the will with the moral law. Here also we need to look at how and why people act. People have different inclination that is to say, a feeling of various attractive ends. Among different type of inclinations one is overridden, its the a priori feeling, feeling of a respect for the moral law, based on pure reason. Inclinations must be incorporated into a maxim. We decide what to do because we have some beliefs, determine by the reason alone. Maxim provide us reason to action, I adopt an end according to these maxim and commit myself to some means for achieving that end (I will something then I do it). We can think that people would choose different maxims relative to their own culture, but actually maxims are chosen a priori through pure practical reason regardless empirical or contingents factors. Since I have deprived the will of every impulse that could arise for it from obeying some law nothing is left but conformity of action as such with universal law (kant, 1785.) Some actions are necessary and correspond to Categorical Imperatives. They are inescapable law, applicable to everyone and do not appeal to non-moral consideration. To conclude people act in accordance to CI (existing a priori in an objective world), whose 2 formulations are the universal law and the law of nature. These laws, being universal apply to everyone and are not relative. We can notice that even the word nature is often opposed to the word culture. The last issue here to face both theories concerns moral disagreement. They disagree on the possibility to rationally resolve moral disagreement. Cultural relativism often described itself as an interpretation of this disagreement. If they could be resolved, relativism would be undermined. Each society has its own conceptual schemes and they are incommensurable with one another. Cultures do not have enough in common in term of shared concepts or standard to rationally resolve their differences. Wittgenstein claims that there is an autonomy and a rationality to each culture. There is no way to understand rules except from inside the rule governed practice themselves. People are minded in a certain ways and its why they find justification to their true-value. This point is controverted by objectivism for which moral disagreement can be rationally resolved. Disagreements only reveal that people can be mistaken. People could be influenced by ideology, prejudice, interest etc. Then if people are well informed, moral difference are resolved. Following Kant some specific moral framework are rationally superior to others, such as Categorical Imperatives provide by pure practical reason. For example to say that polygamy is true relative to X, only means that polygamy has been accepted by people living in x. But people can be mistaken and the true remain undiscovered. Relativism must reply that there is no way to think that some people are much more well informed that another, this could not be a rational explanation to moral difference between societies. Furthermore the fact itself that objectivists disagree among themselves proves that there is no moral objective fact. To conclude, we agree that morality is located within the world rather than outside. If relativism can be challenged in many ways, a weaker form of relativism must be held for at least 2 reasons. To agree with relativism imply that there is no superior moral value among the diversity of culture. And in other hand there is no way to interfere with the action of a society whose moral agreement differs from ours. However we can underline that a mixt position will be better to handle relativisms problem. Indeed some rules seem to govern the entire world (ex: promoting welfare is the goal of a society, or do unto others as you would have them unto you). But there are different ways to promote welfare. Then we could accept that moral concept must have enough content to prevent from moral imperialism or moralizing view.

Equity of Access in the Australian Healthcare System

Equity of Access in the Australian Healthcare System The Concept of Equity of Access in the Australian Healthcare System The Australian health care system is founded on the concept of equity of Access. Discuss this Statement with relation to the concepts of Effectiveness and efficiency and any interrelation that may exist. Introduction: As Stated in National Health Reform Agreement-Equity of Access is the fundamental base of the Australian Health Care System (DHA. 2013a). Effectiveness, which focuses on ratio of outputs to outcomes and efficiency, which defines as achieving maximum outputs with available inputs or resources, these are other elementary component of the Australian Health Care System. Equity, effectiveness and efficiency these represents ideal health care system, which tends be effective and efficient and able to achieve the efficacy (specified outcomes) in a way that maximize access (distribution); Productivity (output) and outcomes within the resource provided (NHHRC. 2009. P.4). Responsibilities like funding, delivery regulation is shared by the national state government of Australia makes the Australian Health Care system universally accessible within the people (AIHW, 2000). Public hospitals community care funding is joined effort of common wealth (i.e. federal government), states territories where common wealth use its revenue and tax to fund most of hospital medical service health research (Common wealth Department of Health age care, 2000). Since 1990’s National State health Minister worked alongside of many health care professional to develop a certain Universal framework to assessing the Australian health system (NHPC, 2000). A new framework for measurement of Australian health performance was inspired from Canadian Health information Roadmap Initiative Indicator framework, which was commenced by NHPC (NHPC, 2001). Equity: Equity in health and health care with context of social objective can be defined in many different ways. As Amarty sen argued, when we talk equity we forget to ask on fundamental question ‘equity of what?’ (Sen, A.,1992). But for the context of our knowledge and study we base our understanding on the definition of culyer wagstaff, ‘the appropriate positive criteria for mormative judgement regarding equity in distribution of health and health care is equality of health status and health care access (Culyer, A.J., Wagstaff, A., 1993). By adding the equality in the process of equity gives the sense of clear fairness to the consumer. But equality is not equity; equality is just simply described as similarity of status, capacity and opportunity. Equity is an ethical value. A unequal opportunity of being healthy associated by people in socially less privileged groups such as poor people, different racial people to others native land, religious ethnic group, women and rural resident is reduced by equity in health ( Braverman, P. Gruskin, S., 2003). Further Braverman stated that the equity in health pursued by eliminating disparities of health that are connected with certain social disadvantage or marginalized or disfranchised community and group within, but may not be limited to the poor. This definition argues for need for the health care services by individuals which is completely result of both of their medical condition and their social condition. As we know the problem of health care system is not only related to the inequity in health. According to Mathews, social, cultural and educational and more or less classical medical causes are related to the poor health of the indigenous Australian (Mathews, C., 2003). Equity of Access: Equity in health has been spoken and written frequently by many economist but they never tends to do or continue to do more consistently, clearly passionately. As Gavin Mooney stated, ‘equity means equal access to equal care for equal needs,’ (Gavin, M., 2003). Since 1960’s quest for equity in health has been major issue and concern to Australian health care system. The introduction of Medibank in 1975 and reinstatement as Medicare in 1984 was the most significant development in term of equity of access after the access of financial barrier (Scotton, R. B., Macdonald, C. R., 1993). The equity of health service and the consultation time frame for consumer of lower socio-economic status and consumer of high socio-economic status doesn’t shorten by breaking and disappearance of financial barrier (Furler, J.S., 2002). The result in context of other dimension of equity is not good. Access of health care (both primary and hospital care) in term of geograp hical equity is significantly different between urban and rural area. Fewer doctors per 1000 population in rural Australia relative to urban area is the best example to describe the complex nature of geographic equity in simple. Rural communities considered access of specialist service, access to hospital service to be a problem due to traveling of significant distance to gain and access those service. Equity of Outcome: Environmental factor and the quality of health care provided equally affects the result of equity of outcomes. Major Policy attention is needed by the appalling health status of our Aboriginal Torres strait Islander population is one of the best example is equity of outcomes. By action in health sector will not remedied the factor Affecting health status, issue of dignity, identity and justice should be the strategy for the improvement of the health status of Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander. Reconciliation is one of the key elements required for progress further (Jackson, L.R., Ward, J.E., 1999). Efficiency: What is efficiency? According to Farrell efficiency is production of maximum amount of outputs from given amount of input or alternatively minimum input quantities producing a given amount of output (Farrell, M.J. 1957). It is referred as to a concrete goal oriented index indicating how well socially desirable health system is achieved desirable. Health Service efficiency is also considered to be great important dimension of quality health because service affordability is affected by it with the context of limited available resources in health care. Efficient service means providing optimal service and care to patient and community rather than maximum care to patient and community; it is about providing greatest benefit with available resource (Brown, L.D., 1992). One of the key criteria for evaluating the health care system is efficiency. According to the economic point of view, efficiency divided into two key elements; allocative efficiency and technical efficiency. Allocative efficiency: To provide best outcomes health care system dependent on distribution and allocation of resources; technical efficiency, effectiveness and priority are involved in the process of best outcomes. The optimized ratio of outputs to outcomes, which is also known as effectiveness is the second key element of allocative efficiency. The priority setting in term of overall ratio of inputs to outcomes is the third and last element of allocative efficiency. Technical efficiency: Flexibility and adaptability to change and innovation of health care system as a whole and as its constituent elements, is known as technical efficiency. Development of casemix measure for hospital services by palmer was a unique contribution both nationally and internationally (Palmer, G.R., et al, 1986; Palmer, G.R., 1991). Over last decades significant improvement in allocative efficiency was achieved after introduction of casemix funding in Victoria in 1993 (Duckett, S.J., 1995). There have been constantly adaptations of new technologies (like drugs, surgical instrument, surgical technique and diagnostic instrument technique) since the development of Australian Health Care system. Over the decades of increase in publication and citation, Australia has been able to build up strong and dynamic medical research system (Butler, L., 2001). Comprise of allocative efficiency technical efficiency gives ‘overall efficiency’, firm can operate on cost or revenue frontier if i t’s able to achieve overall efficiency. Effectiveness: It acts as a key dimension for achieving desirable outcomes with correct provision of evidence based health care service to all who couldn’t benefit, but not to those who would not benefit (Aran, O.A., 2003; WHO, 2000). Donabedian argued then effectiveness is the extent to which attainable improvements in health are in fact attained (Donabedian, A., 2002; Donabedian, A., 1982). In same way Juran Godfrey argued effectiveness to be the degree to the process which result in desired outcomes without any error (Juran, J. Godfrey, A.B., 1999). The ratio of output to outcome is optimized by effectiveness. Out of number of elements, ‘efficacy’ act as one of key component to the certain extent of which health care sector output leads to the ideal outcomes under best ideal condition (Cochrane, A.L., 1972). The major objective is to ensure the actual effectiveness (in term of ratio of outputs to actual outcomes) which helps to move closer to objective. Effectiveness is the dimension of Australian Health Care which explicitly includes time element, so we can evaluate whether the health intervention are primarily achieve the desired and appropriate outcome within the time frame. The interventions are the care must be provided to people most needed is advocated and supported by effectiveness framework. Early detection and prevention performance within a population area is the indicators for the effectiveness. Effectiveness conceptualize framework of health care system as dimension of performance where â€Å"care/intervention/action† achieves the desired result in an appropriate time frame (NHPC, 2001). Norms and specification at central level defines effectiveness to be an important dimension of quality. Effectiveness issue should be handle in local level too, where manager implement norms and work on how to adapt them to local condition. Actual outcomes (effectiveness) for an intervention or system is affected by numerous factor like the care system design, surrounding environment of discharge patient, safety of device manufactured pharmaceuticals used and care quality. Proof of evidence of significant level of preventable adverse events occurring in hospital leading to drastic outcomes can be provided by the quality in Australian health care study (Wilson, al., 1995). As stated by McDermott, it is suggested that large number of death related to trauma can be preventable or potentially are preventable, which is has be documented after analysis of care following trauma (McDermott, al., 1996). These study shows that there are important effectiveness issues in Australian healthcare system with respect to quality of care and it can be described as inability to provide high-quality care. Interaction between equity, efficiency and effectiveness: The concept of equity, effectiveness and efficiency in term of health input and its outcomes are internationally tackle by WHO and OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) to reflect an economic way of thinking. Due to growing concern about safety, service delivery and quality of patient care there have been interesting trends of implicit and explicit link between the concept of equity, efficiency and effectiveness, which is understandable (Berwick, D.M., 1998). As we know second element of allocative efficiency is optimized ration of outputs to outcomes which is also known as effectiveness. Which shows that efficiency and effectiveness are linked and interacted? After the implementation of equity, sick individuals who seek help have their need meet. The value of treatment provided by health service organization is equally distributed to the people in need. With the equity you are not judge or treated and cared on the basis of your fame, fortune, you ability to p ay. When the resource is equally distributes between the need of people then equity taken an affect and when there is the equity then we can evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care service of that organization or of any country. Conclusion: Health policy where attributes and value plays prominent role, ideological driven problem related to it are inevitable as part of the policy. Perception of problem is affected by attributes and value which plays significant role in policy academics so as to attempt to shape public debate for making rational and reality based perception. There are many problem identified in the context of equity of access in the Australian healthcare system based on efficiency and effectiveness by many writers like Palmer, Wilson, McDermott, Jackson wards, Farrell and many more; even the solution to that problem have been presented by them but we haven’t yet identify the problem and adopted the solution presented by them. But important aspect is that progress are being made and hopefully health care system will experience continuous improvement in near future. References : Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2000). Australia’s Health 2000. Canberra Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008). Australia’s Health 2008, Canberra Arah, O. A., Klazinga, N. S., Delnoij, D. M. J., Ten Asbroek, A. H. A., Custers, T. (2003). Conceptual frameworks for health systems performance: a quest for effectiveness, quality, and improvement.International Journal for Quality in Health Care,15(5), 377-398. Berwick, D. M. (1998). Developing and testing changes in delivery of care.Annals of Internal Medicine,128(8), 651-656. Braveman, P., Gruskin, S. (2003). Poverty, equity, human rights and health. Bulletin of the World Health organization,81(7), 539-545 Brown, L. D., Franco, L. M., Rafeh, N., Hatzell, T. (1992).Quality assurance of health care in developing countries. Quality assurance project. Butler, L. (2001).Monitoring Australias Scientific Research: Partial indicators of Australias research performance. Australian Academy of Science. Canberra Cochrane, A. L. (1972). Effectiveness and Efficiency (Rock Carling Fellowship, 1971).Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust. Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, (2000). Australian Health Care Agreements Annual Performance Reports 1998–1999. Canberra: Common Wealth of Australia. Culyer, A. J., Wagstaff, A. (1993). Equity and equality in health and health care.Journal of health economics,12(4), 431-457. Department of Health (DHA) (2013). National Health Reform Agreement. Donabedian, A. (1982). Explorations in quality assessment and monitoring. Vol. 2. The criteria and standards of quality.Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration Press. Donabedian, A. (2002).An introduction to quality assurance in health care. Oxford University Press. Duckett, S. J. (1995). Hospital payment arrangements to encourage efficiency: the case of Victoria, Australia.Health Policy,34(2), 113-134. Farrell, M. J. (1957). The measurement of productive efficiency.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 253-290. Furler, J. S., Harris, E., Chondros, P., Davies, P. P., Harris, M. F., Young, D. Y. (2002). The inverse care law revisited: impact of disadvantaged location on accessing longer GP consultation times.Medical Journal of Australia,177(2), 80-83. Jackson, L. R., Ward, J. E. (1999). Aboriginal health: why is reconciliation necessary?.The Medical Journal of Australia,170(9), 437-440. Juran, J., Godfrey, A. B. (1999). Quality Handbook.Republished McGraw-Hill. Matthews, C. (2003). Caught in a vicious cycle.Australian Medicine,15(12),16. McDermott, F. T., Cordner, S. M., Tremayne, A. B. (1996). Evaluation of the medical management and preventability of death in 137 road traffic fatalities in Victoria, Australia: an overview.Journal of Trauma-Injury, Infection, and Critical Care,40(4), 520-535. Mooney, G. H. (2003).Economics, medicine and health care. 3rd ed. London: Pearson Education. National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission. (2009). A healthier future for all Australians: Final report of the national health and hospitals reform commission. National Health Performance Committee (NHPC) (2000). Fourth National Report on Health Sector Performance Indicators – A Report to the Australian Health Ministers’ Conference. Sydney: New South Wales Health Department National Health Performance Committee (NHPC) (2001). National Health Performance FrameWork Report. Brisbane: Queensland Health. Palmer, G. R., Aisbett, C., Reid, B., Jayawardena, Y. (1986). The validity of Diagnosis Related Groups for use in Victorian public hospitals: report to the Department of Health, and of Management and the Budget.Victoria, Kensington, University of New South Wales. Palmer, G. R. (1991). The use of DRGs in the management and planning of hospital services.Australian Economic Review,24(1), 62-70. Scotton, R. B., Macdonald, C. R. (1993).The making of Medibank(No. 76). School of Health Services Management, University of New South Wales. Sen, A. (1992).Inequality reexamined. Oxford University Press. Wilson, R. M., Runciman, W. B., Gibberd, R. W., Harrison, B. T., Newby, L., Hamilton, J. D. (1995). The quality in Australian health care study.Medical Journal of Australia,163(9), 458-471. World Health Organization. (2000).The world health report 2000: health systems: improving performance. World Health Organization.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Old Man And The Sea :: essays research papers

This part of the story has to do with Santiago against nature and the sea. In this part of the story, he goes out and fights nature in the form of terrible forces and dangerous creatures, among them, a marlin, sharks and hunger. He starts the story in a small skiff and moves out in a journey to capture a fish after a long losing streak of eighty-four days. Unfortunately his friend must desert him due to this problem and a greater force, his parents. Santiago must go out into the danger alone. For three harsh days and nights he fights a fish of enormous power. This is the second form of nature he must conquer. Earlier in the story, the first part of nature is himself, for which he must fight off his hunger. This is a harsh part of the story. He manages though to get a few bites in the form of flying fish and dolphin of which he would like to have salt on. This part of the story tells of a cold and harsh sea, that is, one that has value and mystery as well as death and danger. It has commercial value as well as the population of life in it. It is dark and treacherous though, and every day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal pool with life called `Cannery Road'. This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, Manolin, his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might be good is that he has had bad luck with his goal for a great period of time and is sure it will work this time. Later, though, when Santiago needs him for the quest he sets out to do, Manolin deserts him, although he may not have wanted to at this time. In the novel Santiago comes upon a force bigger than his skiff, the marlin which misleads him out far past his intended reach. This is where he starts to lose his strength against something which seems a greater force. Santiago has a struggle of three days, which is significent because

Friday, July 19, 2019

Descartes Skeptical Argument And Reponses By Bouwsma And Malcolm Essay

Descartes' Skeptical Argument and Reponses by Bouwsma and Malcolm In this essay, I will examine Rene Descartes' skeptical argument and responses by O.K. Bouwsma and Norman Malcolm. I intend to prove that while both Bouwsma and Malcolm make points that refute specific parts of Descartes' argument in their criticisms, neither is sufficient in itself to refute the whole. In order to understand Descartes' argument and its sometimes radical ideas, one must have at least a general idea of his motives in undertaking the argument. The seventeenth century was a time of great scientific progress, and the blossoming scientific community was concerned with setting up a consistent standard to define what constituted science. Their science was based on conjunction and empirical affirmation, ideally without any preconceived notions to taint the results. Descartes, however, believed that the senses were unreliable and that science based solely on information gained from the senses was uncertain. He was concerned with finding a point of certainty on which to base scientific thought. Eventually he settled on mathematics as a basis for science, because he believed mathematics and geometry to be based on some inherent truths. He believed that it was through mathematics that we were able to make sense of our world, and that the ability to think mathematically was an innate ability of all human beings. This theory becomes important in Descartes' Meditations because he is forced to explain where the mathematical ideas that he believed we were born with came from. Having discussed Descartes' background, I will now explain the specifics of his argument. The basis of Descartes' entire argument is that the senses can not be trusted, and his objective is to reach a point of certainty, one undeniable truth that fixes our existence. He said it best in his own words, "I will . . . apply myself earnestly and openly to the general destruction of my former opinions."1 By opinions he meant all the facts and notions about the world which he had previously held as truths. Any point which had even the slightest hint of doubt was discarded and considered completely false. Descartes decided that he would consider all things until he found that either nothing is certain, which is itself a point of certainty, or he reached the one undeniable truth he was searching for. In order to accom... ...admirable case for the validity of the senses, but upon careful examination he says very much the same thing as Bouwsma. Namely, that the senses are real to us. Bouwsma came to this point by examining the idea of the evil genius and the idea of "illusions". Malcolm came to it through examining the differences between fact, belief and sensory information. Despite the differences in how they discovered it, they both came to the same conclusion. The point is valid and their reasoning is sound, but it does not prove that Descartes is wrong. The strength of the skeptical argument lies in the fact that it can not be completely disproved. No one can prove or disprove the existence of an evil genius, they can only go so far as to say that it does not matter. This is essentially what Bouwsma and Malcolm have done. They tried to prove that the existence of the evil genius would not make a difference in our lives. For this reason, I believe that although Bouwsma and Malcolm have made a valid point, they have only touched the surface of Descartes' argument. They have succeeded in proving that life is not meaningless, but that was not the purpose of Descartes' argument to begin with.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What is Feminism Essay examples -- Social Issues, Womens Right

Introduction This essay aims to critically evaluate feminist arguments against the present social system of science. It begins with defining feminism and different waves which happened in the history of feminism. It then moves on to introduce different approaches in feminism. The arguments will be critically evaluated and the essay will be finished by a conclusion. What is feminism? Feminism can be described as movements which aimed at defending and establishing and providing equal social, political and economical right for women as well as equal opportunities for them (Butler, 1993). Because some people argue the gender as a social construction which can harm all people, thus, feminism look for liberate men as well as women (Butler, 1993). A person who practices feminism who can be either a man or a woman is called a ‘Feminist’. The history of western modern feminist movements can be divided into three â€Å"waves† (Humm, 1992). First-wave feminism looked for changes in marriage relationships, equality in property rights and eventually in women’s right to vote or women’s suffrage (W...

Life Cycle of a Frog

True Love? When Frogs mate, the male frog tends to clasp the female underneath in an embrace called amplexus. He literally climbs on her back, reaches his arms around her â€Å"waist†, either just in front of the hind legs, just behind the front legs, or even around the head. Amplexus can last several days! Usually, it occurs in the water, though some species, like the bufos on the right mate on land or even in trees! (photo courtesy of Emile Vandecasteele) While in some cases, complicated courting behavior occurs before mating, many species of frogs are known for attempting to mate with anything that moves which isn't small enough to eat! Spawn (egg-mass) While in the amplexus position, the male frog fertilizes the eggs as they get are laid. Frogs tend to lay eggs single eggs in masses, whereas toads usually lay eggs in long chains. Some frogs leave after this point, but others stick around to watch over the little ones. Some have very unusual ways of caring for their young. You'll learn about some of those later in this tour!. Egg Frogs and Toads tend to lay many many eggs because there are many hazards between fertalization and full grown frogness! Those eggs that die tend to turn white or opaque. The lucky ones that actually manage to hatch still start out on a journey of many perils. Life starts right as the central yolk splits in two. It then divides into four, then eight, etc. – until it looks a bit like a rasberry inside a jello cup. Soon, the embryo starts to look more and more like a tadpole, getting longer and moving about in it's egg. Usually, about 6-21 days (average! ) after being fertilized, the egg will hatch. Most eggs are found in calm or static waters, to prevent getting too rumbled about in infancy! Some frogs, like the Coast foam-nest treefrog, actually mate in treebranches overlooking static bonds and streams. Their egg masses form large cocoon-like foamy masses. The foam sometimes cakes dry in the sun, protecting the inside moisture. When the rain comes along, after developement of 7 to 9 days, the foam drips down, dropping tiny tadpoles into the river or pond below. Tadpole Shortly after hatching, the tadpole still feeds on the remaining yolk, which is actually in its gut! The tadpole at this point consists of poorly developed gills, a mouth, and a tail. It's really fragile at this point. They usually will stick themselves to floating weeds or grasses in the water using little sticky organs between its' mouth and belly area. Then, 7 to 10 days after the tadpole has hatched, it will begin to swim around and feed on algae. After about 4 weeks, the gills start getting grown over by skin, until they eventually disappear. The tadpoles get teeny tiny teeth which help them grate food turning it into soupy oxygenated particles. They have long coiled guts that help them digest as much nutrients from their meadger diets as possible. By the fourth week, tadpoles can actually be fairly social creatures. Some even interact and school like fish! Tadpole with legs After about 6 to 9 weeks, little tiny legs start to sprout. The head becomes more distinct and the body elongates. By now the diet may grow to include larger items like dead insects and even plants. The arms will begin to bulge where they will eventually pop out, elbow first. After about 9 weeks, the tadpole looks more like a teeny frog with a really long tail. It is now well on it's way to being almost fullgrown! Young Frog, or Froglet By 12 weeks, the tadpole has only a teeny tail stub and looks like a miniature version of the adult frog. Soon, it will leave the water, only to return again to laymore eggs and start the process all over again! Frog By between 12 to 16 weeks, depending on water and food supply, the frog has completed the full growth cycle. Some frogs that live in higher altitudes or in colder places might take a whole winter to go through the tadpole stage†¦ others may have unique development stages that vary from your â€Å"traditional† tadpole-in-the-water type life cycle: some of these are described later in this tour. Now these frogs will start the whole process again†¦ finding mates and creating new froggies.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Promote Products & Service Essay

1/ Introduction later the 3D movie blockbuster of Ameri do-nothing learn called Avatar released worldwide in 2009, a lot of cinemas in the world in addition start the movie with this technology. In particular, a few socio-economic classs ago, to demand of guests as salutary as improving the woodland of short letter, at that place be any(prenominal)(prenominal) investors gift invested 3D deep brown. 3D hot chocolate is gradually developing into a reason entertainment healthy. It looks like a in the raw air crept into the lifestyle of one-year-old volume.2/ business line fancy* fix a unique java memory, where customers can admire nice coffee cups and break blockbuster movies to drawher. * Establishing a proud-velocity system of radio for customers can access free. * This would be an paragon location for family or couple fatality to relax and talking.3/ Requirements tosucceed in your business* Location The graduation exercise eating house should be located in a busy residential area to pull in a lot of customers in Sydney. After the first 3D restaurant succeeds, at that place is more 3D coffee browses ordain be opened. When brand of fail was cognize in a lot of cities, we should get dealershipd and starting this business in new(prenominal) great(p) cities.* Pricing strategy overhaul customer a price of product consistent with cost rate. Organizing regular promotions to customers and tax deduction special days. * Quality strategy obtaining and culture the go with production that has been consumed widely in the consumer market as substantially as improve the poor quality production. * denote and Promotion strategyTo attract invitees that 3D coffee shop would agitate by TV, radio, magazine, Face watchword and internet. The shop should have advertising strategies to clients through networking communities. Promotional activities for all products sometimes are showed such as discount activities, promotions and big eve nts to compete with other shops as sanitary as put up information about(predicate) the restaurant to customers. * Customer service Creating a professional staffs with higher responsibility. They should be companionate and patient with customers to make customers feeling sluttish and racket their visit.4/ Entrepreneurship* Design the shop in that respect are three coldcocks.+ The first floor This floor for staff only, there are bar, toilet, etc. + The second floor there is one massive manner with a cleverness of 30 people, it can be used to organize offline, enjoy music Audiophile, Lossless lyrical, gentle, combined watch HD movie blockbuster.+ The third floor there are 10 rooms with 5 rooms for groups of friends, families can sit considerably that have vainglorious screen (120 inch), rotund space,polite, audio system modernization and 5 rooms for couples, friends with private space, romantic, seat systems passing relaxing. All rooms are outfit with HD projector 3D a nd it can serve 3D movies with high quality. * Customer The majority of the customers is materialisation people who looking for new things and deficiency to try the different feelings. In addition, this shop besides serves international customers who want to bring forth where they can have both their witness space to watch movie, enjoy coffee and talk together, so that this is an ideal location.5/ Business ObjectivesA/ The common inclination Give to customers of all ages who need somewhere for entertainment, relaxation and enjoying favorite movies as well as where customers meet friends. Besides, this shop also serves customers who want to hold a natal day party for your friends, relatives, or want to date, advance a marriage proposal, Events, etc. In general, this shop forget help customer to reduce stress after a stressful working hours. B/ cheat business purpose* Bring large nets for the investors.* Bring revenue to the demesne from tax* The economic benefits contribut e to the yearbook budget+ Income tax + personal income tax.* Create a professional image, reliable in the hearts of consumers.* To action the entertainment inescapably of the people, improve the spiritual life, help people to get fun time after hours for learning and work stress, contributing for the pagan life community and re-production labor.6/ swot AnalysisA/ Strength (S)* extensive space, designing layout unique and beautiful, new furniture.* tender location.* Reasonable price.* The management work capacity and determination.* Services to provide ingenuous quality, high-speed transmission.* The wifi internet service has high speed and easy to register treble packagesPromotions. * Using modern machinery and professional.B/ helplessness (W)* The first capital investment is lacking.* turn int have patrons as well as reputable supplier for products in the starting days.* The new shop governing makes it difficult to attract new customers.* acquiret have too a lot expe rience in business coffee 3D.C/ Opportunities (O)* Focus on potency clients students, people with average incomes.* There is good material.* Opening more branch some the world or sell franchise for foreign companies. D/ Threats (T)* Other topical anesthetic shops could try to adopt business idea in a short time.* The large number of new shop that leave be opened to competition.7/ Financial, sub judice, selling, running(a) and Business viability* FinancialIn separate to this business succeed and develop which the company have to invest about $500,000. When business achieved and attract customers that will have heavy(p) steadily 5% each year in investment. Beside, business should hire accountants to tack together tax return, overt business activities to sire care of business tax affairs.* LegalBusiness will hire lawyers to maintain activities and resolve with legal and procedure affairs.* MarketingPay advertising company to seduce original Ads, flyers. At the same time, ad vertise through TV, radio, magazine, Face book and internetas well as developing logo and slogans.* operable create a management sensible system include supervisors, floor managers and leaders to manage staff shifts. All of them should be training and study a word form about professional skills to service clients.* Business viability maintain activities and making a profit and increased steadily per year.8/ ending3D COFFEE will provide a space, an suitable surround for many different demands of customers as well as creating healthy recreation and relax with some reasonable prices. When customers come to Coffee 3D that they will be integrated into the environment lively, friendly and everyone will be associate together easier. Furthermore, this shop will satisfy all the needs of the individual or collective by new service and so interesting. Through the analyse and symbolise research information of project 3D COFFEE. We think this project will bring high economic dexterity and accordant with the needs of people as well as the general issue development of social especially young people.9/ References* Principles of Marketing (26/09/2011) 5th edition, Person Australia.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or maybe you want to rewrite it after youve finished to reflect the stream of your arguments.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation introductions that are lengthier than they how are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder for a reader to good grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled logical and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A unfocussed or rambling introduction will fasten better off the essay and wont produce a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate check your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. worth Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Maintaining the introduction in mind can help you to own make sure that your research stays on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective logical and the problem statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to comparative study this particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve keyword with this research study as well as what outcome you expect.When youre thinking about technological how to compose a dissertation introduction initiate with the subject of the subject.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The how last part of your introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your dissertation is constructed.

It needs to be fascinating in order to arouse interest, and stand out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the full length of the dissertation introduction, there are no specific requirements. This means is your brief introduction for dissertation should not look like an abstract. However, it does logical not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.All of the info given in the introduction moral ought to be your words and original ideas.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation brief introduction on your first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get lower down to the task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you how are finished with dissertation writing.

A few pages is plenty in composing the background info.Make sure the reader understands the own aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you how have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in check your research.Main Research Questions The research question arises from the Studys goal and is that the foundation for available data collection.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier good for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

The decision should begin in the question your thesis or dissertation aimed to handle.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in mind how that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, good feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure that the finished english version remains coherent.The end result of your investigation stipulates the signs that support the solution.Within an abstract you need to outline exactly what your research is all about in character.

Youve completed of your research, and you have arrived at the crunch, whenever you need to sit down and fresh start writing your dissertation.Studies dont have hypotheses.Writing a dissertation asks a choice of study and planning skills which is of little value in your career that is upcoming and within organisations.Attempt to restrict your acknowledgement dissertation to a page.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Course Project Rough Draft Essay

I entertain take a crap intercourseing a atomic reactor in achieving goals, snip preferences, and cartroadways of erudition lose it statements, types of thinking, breaking and teaching literacy, engender something spic-and-span to winning nones, explores types of memory, diversity, dialogue and separate pop management, managing money and reflections so I squeeze out be productive in my education. In this gradation I create been large(p) practiced tips on any(prenominal)(prenominal) side on immoral judge. It to a fault cultivates me know that it is to learn tout ensemble in all the cardinal tuition in the partition so I shtup victor in my education. I am a Verbal-Linguistic and more than of a lector/ source and then optical person. I engage lettered all the ends and out of flagitious justice. This categorise has benefited me in every view in my life.I am not only(prenominal) do to make a fight in the communities, merely likewise pro mpt to plug in the ranks of a newfangled family. I chose this path because I direct unceasingly enjoyed the view of solve situations. I privy honestly give tongue to I fuelt ideate myself doing anything else because I am highly mesmerised by the reference and fervor of these fields. sightly notice what it takes to do their blood line is remarkable. Thats why I acknowledge this dissever so lots because its a training assist for me and my life. It makes my family so dashing of me that Im winning vile justice and going send on with my education. So all I have to do is verification with it so I clear achievement in this degree.